Section 4: Flight-Control-Functions.

........... Heading Calculation Source Code ...........

========= File-Name: 15_Heading_Calcul.ino ===========

//+++++++++++ Start function Heading Calculation ++++++++++++++
//              Last Update: 13-02-22

// Note: The 3D Global Cartesian coordinate systeem x,y,z 
//       is chosen such that the x-axis lays in the equator plane. 
//       Its origin starts at the center of the earth, and runs throuhg 
//       the projection of Greenwhich (Lon=0 deg) to the equator plane
//       The z-axis has also its origin in the center of the earth,
//       runs through the Geographic North. 
// Lon_Loc1_deg =>Actual GPS Lon-Angle of Location 1 in degrees
// Lat_Loc1_deg =>Actual GPS Lat-Angle of Location 1 in degrees
// Lon_Loc2_deg =>Google GPS Lon-Angle of Location 2 in degrees
// Lat_Loc2_deg =>Google GPS Lat-Angle of Location 2 in degrees
// The Heading Angle Alpha, is calculated with the Scalar product of
// vector from Loc1 to Geograph-North and vector from Loc1 to Loc2.

 void calculateheading(float Lon_Loc1_deg, float Lat_Loc1_deg, 
                       float Lon_Loc2_deg, float Lat_Loc2_deg)
 int h1 = 1;                      //scale factor
 float h_PI = 3.14159;            //26535897932384626433832795
 float R_Earth= 6371000;          //Radius of Earth in m

// 3D Coordinates of the Geographic North-pole
// float x_N = 0.0;         
// float y_N = 0.0;    
 float z_N = R_Earth;        // 6371000 Radius of Earth in m;       

// Location 1 is the Actual Point as reported by GPS
 float Lon_Loc1_rad;         // Lon of Location 1 in rad
 float Lat_Loc1_rad;         // Lat of Location 1 in rad

//Global Cartesian coordinates of Location 1  
 float x_Loc1;               //m
 float y_Loc1;               //m
 float z_Loc1;               //m

// Location 2 is the Target Point as specified by user
 float Lon_Loc2_rad;          // Lon Location 2 in rad
 float Lat_Loc2_rad;          // Lat Location 2 in rad

//Global Cartesian coordinates of Location 2 
 float x_Loc2;                //m 
 float y_Loc2;                //m
 float z_Loc2;                //m

// Scalar product of vector from Loc1 to Geograph-North and
//                   vector from Loc1 to Loc2
 float Loc1_NdotLoc1_Loc2;
// Length of vector from Loc1 to Geograph-North
 float lenLoc1_N;    
// Length of vector from Loc1 to Loc2
 float lenLoc1_Loc2;   

// _Alpha is angle between vector Loc1_N and vector Loc1_Loc2 
 float _Alpha;
// char Rotation1[5] = " CW";
// char Rotation2[5] = "CCW";

// Serial.println(GPS_val_Lat,6);
// Serial.println(GPS_val_Lon,6);
// Serial.println(Lat_Loc1_deg,6);
// Serial.println(Lon_Loc1_deg,6);
// Serial.println(Lat_Loc2_deg,6);
// Serial.println(Lon_Loc2_deg,6);
// delay(5000);

// ***Calculations***Calculations***Calculations***Calculations***

 Lon_Loc1_rad = Lon_Loc1_deg * h_PI/180;  //Lon of Location 1 in rad
 Lat_Loc1_rad = Lat_Loc1_deg * h_PI/180;  //Lat of Location 1 in rad
//Conversion of Loc1 sphere-coordinates into global cartesian coordinates x,y,z
 x_Loc1 = R_Earth * cos(Lat_Loc1_rad) * cos(Lon_Loc1_rad);   //m
 y_Loc1 = R_Earth * cos(Lat_Loc1_rad) * sin(Lon_Loc1_rad);   //m
 z_Loc1 = R_Earth * sin(Lat_Loc1_rad);                       //m

 Lon_Loc2_rad = Lon_Loc2_deg * h_PI/180;  //Lon of Location 2 in rad
 Lat_Loc2_rad = Lat_Loc2_deg * h_PI/180;  //Lat of Location 2 in rad

//Conversion of Loc2 sphere-coordinates into global cartesian coordinates x,y,z
 x_Loc2 = R_Earth * cos(Lat_Loc2_rad) * cos(Lon_Loc2_rad);   //m
 y_Loc2 = R_Earth * cos(Lat_Loc2_rad) * sin(Lon_Loc2_rad);   //m
 z_Loc2 = R_Earth * sin(Lat_Loc2_rad);                       //m 

// Calculation Distance Loc1 to Geographic North in [m] 
 lenLoc1_N  = sqrt(x_Loc1*x_Loc1 +y_Loc1*y_Loc1 +(z_N-z_Loc1)*(z_N-z_Loc1));
 lenLoc1_N = lenLoc1_N/h1;

// Calculation Distance Loc1 to Loc2 in [m] 
 Flight_Distance = sqrt((x_Loc2-x_Loc1)*(x_Loc2-x_Loc1)+
// .................................................................
 if (Flight_Distance <= Max_Flight_Distance)                // [m]
// *** Start Heading-angle calculation with 3D Scalar Vector Product ***
 lenLoc1_Loc2  = Flight_Distance/h1;

// Note: For the scalar product a coordinate transformation of the  
//       vectors Loc1_N and Loc1_Loc2 has to be performed.
//       The global coordinate values x,y,z of the vectors must be
//       transformed to values in the local catesian coordinates
//       system originating at Loc1.

 int h2 = h1*h1;      //scale factor
 Loc1_NdotLoc1_Loc2 = -x_Loc1*(x_Loc2-x_Loc1)/h2 -y_Loc1*(y_Loc2-y_Loc1)/h2 + 

 _Alpha = acos(Loc1_NdotLoc1_Loc2/(lenLoc1_N*lenLoc1_Loc2)) *180/h_PI;
 _Alpha =abs(_Alpha);

// Note: Lon_Loc2 is Lon of Target        
// When Lon_Loc2 > Lon_Loc1 then Alpha is neg. when running CW  +0deg @ North to -180 deg @ South 
// When Lon_Loc2 < Lon_Loc1 then Alpha is pos. when running CCW -0deg @ North to -180 deg @ South 
// Note: Coordinate System is right-handed

 if (Lon_Loc2_deg >= Lon_Loc1_deg)
     Alpha = -1*  _Alpha;    // 0Alpha>-180 degrees
// **** End Heading-angle Alpha calculation with 3D Scalar Vector Product *****

//     Note: Old_Values of Alpha are required for course continuation in case GPS reading fails   
       Old_Alpha=Alpha;     // Angle between North and Target 
//       Flag=2;
//     float Old_DeltaYaw;  // Drone Rotation Angle to align Drone-Nose to Target 

 }       // end if Distance <= Max_Flight_Distance

// .........................................................
// In case of erroneous GPS-Data reading such that:
if ((Flight_Distance > Max_Flight_Distance) )
 //   Serial.println();
 //   Serial.print("14 Heading Calc: Target is beyond reach! ! ! ! ! ! !");
 //   Serial.println();
 //   Serial.println();  

   if (Flag > 10)   //beyond Take-Off Phase, and altitude above 200m
      Flight_Distance = Old_Distance;
      Alpha = Old_Alpha;     // Angle between North and Target 
      Rotation_Sign = Old_Rotation_Sign;
//   float Old_DeltaYaw;  // Drone Rotation Angle to align Drone-Nose to Target 

//+++++++++++ End function Heading Calculation ++++++++++++++

Free-Drones Company 2022